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Still. Going. Strong.

I'm not sure what happened, but winter has taken over in the Tetons and doesn't seem to be letting go. And that's fine with me. Here are a few photos from the past 2-3 weeks:

(thanks to Don Watkins and Patrick Nelson for the photos)

Climbing Radio Tower Couloir on Togwotee Pass on my b-day:

Oh and Yes those are some 112's. I was the lucky owner of a pair for a bit there and took full advantage. It was mostly corn while I skied them and they absolutely ripped. High speed arcing turns? Check. Slalom turns for fun? Check. 1000ft. couloirs in mixed snow? Fun.

Here's a drop in shot that makes the snow look WAY better than it was:

Took the 138's out sled skiing once it started snowing again and had a blast. This was an enjoyable May 1:

And I even hauled the 138's about 4k vert up Mt. St. John this past Sunday to ski some pow and corn:

Hopefully everyone else is enjoying an extended season. Seems like we'll have at least another month of good snow and easy approaches in the Tetons.
