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Parker on Riders Weekend

DPS riders unite!  With a full fleet of skis to ride, including the new Pure Wailer 112RP, the dps crew hosted a weekend of elbow rubbing and shredding.  Amazingly, the mountain served up a pallet of every kind of condition.  Clear skies and low temperatures allowed groomers to firm up and the snow in the backcountry to stay light and soft.  This proved ideal as those who already own Cassiars were able to test drive Lotuses in the powdery backcountry, vice versa, and everyone got to experience the versatility of the Wailers and the 112RP's.  I personally got to watch riders donning the 112RP's carve rails into the groomers, then go on to slash huge plumes of pow into the air in the backcountry:  They're really on to something with these things.

Rider's atop FourPines

It's always a bit of a junk show getting everything dialed in for everyone who wants to demo before heading out skiing.  But between forgotten cell phones, last minute contact lens changes, and even a bathroom emergency motivated sprint for the can from deep within the tram line, we were forced to upgrade the weekend's rating to a full on shit show.  Despite all the antics, a surprising amount of skiing was accomplished.  There's nothing wrong with a few laps in Granite Canyon, followed up by laps on Cody Peak, Four Pines, No Name Face, and even a lap all the way out to No Name Trees.  If you're not familiar with the area, this may not mean a whole bunch.  However, rest assured that these laps were enough to entertain even the fanciest among the group who spend a good part of the year flitting about in high priced whirly-birds (jerks all of them).  Forgive my resentful tone, its only jealousy.

the author escaping a bit of slough

Getting back to the resort after such days is always a treat.  Not only is it good to warm up and dry out in a cozy Apres spot, but when you're rolling deep with a bunch that's just been stoked out riding carbon skis in great conditions on world class terrain, well, the beer flows like wine and the stories flow like beer.  I love the ski life!

rollin' deep.

If you catch wind of another Rider's Weekend going down in you're neck of town, DO NOT MISS IT!