Storm Shots – dpsskisstore
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Storm Shots

With all the down days stacking up, the crew showed impressive inefficiency. We had a hard time getting out the door before nightfall. Photos needed to be taken.

Patrik, who came for the skiing, ended up as a mechanic, and once again, the number of days he had left for this trip were dwindling.

Patrik and I needed to shoot some images, even if the snow never stopped falling and the light remained grey.

After a few days, we got a few neck-deep pow runs during daylight, and then decided to wait until nightfall to explore them further. We spotted a few nice pitches and set up flashes. It was hard, disorienting work. Patrik had to turn his night vision on before getting totally blinded by my flashes and deep snow. Shooting photographs is all about getting your subject in sharp focus, and as I tried to set my camera in the dark, I felt like an old owl that had lost his vision.